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Prayer Requests




Daily, the Hermitage celebrates, in the Byzantine-Ukrainian Rite, the Divine Liturgy and Office, and unites itself to the prayers of its associates, such as the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. We are pleased to offer in our intentions the personal concerns of those connected to the Hermitage in any way, as well as more global issues. Readers of The Asketerion should feel free to ask for inclusion in the Hermitage's intentions, 


Please use the form on this page stating for whom and for what you would like us to pray,




Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of the Hermitage,

Pray that we will be instruments of the Spirit,

Pray that we will know when to act and when to wait,

When to speak and when to be silent.

Teach us how to listen and to know

The voice of God in our hearts.

Teach us your patience in the unfolding will of God,

Teach us your courage in fufilling what is asked of us.

Teach us your absolute trust in Christ.

We ask that the Hermitage serves God in all things

And is a light for those who seek Him.
























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